Senin, 17 Oktober 2011


Cara share koneksi internet kabel dengan 2 LAN card pada windows XP.

ada 4 langkah
1. Jaringan default dari kabel ISP
2. Setting windows agar bisa share koneksi
3. Setting IP pada tiap LAN card
4. Hubungkan LAN kedua dan silakan browsing

Jaringan default dari kabel ISP
ISP via tv kabel -> cable modem -> LAN card komputer pertama. pastikan internetnya sudah hidup dan sudah bisa browsing.

Setting windows agar bisa share koneksi
Start -> Programs -> accessories -> Communications -> Network Setup Wizard

defaultnya adalah LAN card yang konek ke internet. tinggal next saja sampai selesai. kalau minta di save ke disket di tolak jawab NO dan finish.

pastikan Internet Connection Sharing pada LAN properties pada komputer pertama yang terhubung ke cable modem terpilih.
cek “Allow other network users to connect through this computer’s Internet connection”

Setting IP pada tiap LAN card
Setting LAN card yang ke internet (komputer 1) – default dari teknisinya.
- Obtain an iP address automaticaly
- Obtain DNS Server Address Automatically

Setting LAN card yang menuju Komputer Lain (komputer 1) :
IP Address :
Subnet Mask :
Default Gateway : Kosongin aja
DNS : Kosongin aja

Setting LAN card pada Komputer Lain (komputer 2,3,4,5,dsb):
IP Address :
Subnet Mask :
Default Gateway :
Prefered DNS server : Samakan dengan DNS pada LAN card yang konek ke internet
Alternate DNS server : Samakan dengan DNS pada LAN card yang konek ke internet

Hubungkan LAN kedua dan silakan browsing
sambungkan LAN card antara komputer 1 dan komputer 2 dengan menggunakan kabel cross. silakan browsing.

tambahan :
bagi yang tidak tau cara setting IP
Start -> Settings -> Control Panels -> Network Connections
Klik kanan -> Properties (pada Local Area Connection)
pada Tab -> general
cari This connection use the following items -> Internet Protocol [TCP/IP]
klik properties -> pada tab general pilih obtain an iP address automaticaly
ini setting yang DHCP, untuk yang statik pilih Use this following IP address.

bagi yang tidak tau cara liat DNS
Start -> Settings -> Control Panels -> Network Connections
klik kiri 2x pada LAN card yang konek ke internet
pada Tab -> SUpport
ada tombol detail, disana ada yang namanya DNS servers, itulah DNS dynamic yang diberikan oleh ISP anda.

1. gunakan kabel cross untuk menghubungkan lan card pc1 dan lan card pc ke 2.
2. gunakan kabel straight untuk menghubungkan cable modem dan lan card pc1

Keterangan :
1. pastikan koneksi internet dari ISP sudah jalan.
2. share koneksi pada LAN card pertama. (liat pada bagian Setting windows agar bisa share koneksi)
3. setting IP, subnet mask, gateway dan dns pada tiap LAN card.
4. selamat internet anda sudah di share.
5. jangan lupa gunakan kabel cross untuk menghubungkan lan card pc1 dan lan card pc2.

Hub and Switch is one of the tools used in building a computer network which the network usually consisting of two or more computers. Usually these tools are used in building a LAN (Local Area Network). Menggukan second device topology is the star topology. Here is an explanation both of these tools.

Ø Hub

Hub is a device on the network that conceptually operates at Layer 1 (Physical Layer). That is, the hub does not filter to translate something, just knowing the speed of data transfer and arrangement of pins on the cable. The workings of this tool is to send a data packet signal to all ports on the hub so that the data packet is received by all computers connected to the hub except the sending computer. Transmitted signal is repeated even though the data packet has been received by the destination computer. This causes the function colossion more common.

For example when there is transmission of data packets from port A to port B and at the same time there is transmission of data packets from port C to port D, there will be a collision (collision) because it uses the same line (same broadcast path) so that data packets will become damaged resulting in retransmission of data packets. If this happens then it happens Collison can interfere with delivery of a new data packet and replicates. This resulted in reduced data transfer speed. Therefore, physically, the hub has LED lights that indicate the collision occurred.

When the data packet is sent through one port on the hub, then the transmission of data packets will be seen and sent to any other port on the hub so that the bandwidth be divided into the existing port. The more available ports on the hub, then the available bandwidth becomes smaller for each port.

This makes the transmission of data on the hub with a lot of ports that are connected to the computer becomes slow.

Ø Switch

Switch is a device on a network that is conceptually located at Layer 2 (Datalink Layer). That is, the switch at the time pengirimkan data follow the MAC address on the NIC (Network Interface Card) so that the switch know to whom this package will be accepted. If any collision is a collision that occurred on the ports that are exchanging data packets. For example when there is transmission of data packets from port A to port B and at the same time there is transmission of data packets from port C to port D, then it will not crash (collision) because the address is different and does not use the same line. The more available ports on the switch, it will not affect the available bandwidth for each port.

When the data packet is sent through one port on the switch, then the transmission of data packets will not appear and was not sent to any other ports so that each port has the full bandwidth. This causes the speed of data transfer more secure.

From the description above can be concluded that the switches better than hubs, both conceptually and in principle the comparison works that can make the collosion.

Minggu, 10 Juli 2011

How to increase Virtual Memory

Before we learn how to do to increase the virtual memory on the OS (operating system) you, it is good we need to know what is virtual memory.

Virtual memory is the RAM (Random Access Memory) RAM which serves to hold temporary data that will be processed in the processor and also holds temporary data that has been in the process, in other words, RAM is the bridge between the processor and hard drive.

Because the hard disk of a rotating disc (with a mechanical speed), then the hard drive speed will not be able to match the speed of the processor. So from that needed a tool to balance both this speed (processor & hard drive).

Because the hard disk of a rotating disc (with a mechanical speed), then the hard drive speed will not be able to match the speed of the processor. So from that needed a tool to balance both this speed (processor & hard drive).
If you have the RAM to the small size and running multiple applications at once (twisted music, typing, etc.) then the RAM will fill up quickly and eventually there was a message that the Virtual Memory Low. so I suggest you increase the capacity of computer RAM, because the computer will be slow due to the RAM memory is full (as well as a full bridge so cars and other vehicles that pass have to queue).

Note: real memory in our computers there are two, ROM (usually used as the BIOS) and RAM (which usually people refer to as "Computer Memory"

Okay, next we go on stage to enlarge the virtual memory. See the steps below:

If you are using Windows XP, this is how to increase virtual memory:
1. Click Start - Control Panel.
2. Double click the System icon.
3. In the System Properties window click the tab "Advanced".

4. There are three sections in the advanced tab, click the "Settings" at the performance.
5. In the performance options window, click the "Advanced" tab.

6. Click the change button on the virtual memory (bottom).

7. Change the virtual memory size to 4 times before.

Note: Because the software is increasingly sophisticated, requiring Random Access Memory is the greater, then the new generation operating system (from the old school Windows era if not mistaken) to provide facilities for the use of hard drive capacity to be used as virtual memory, false memory or a virtual alias. If there is a message of low virtual memory, it's because the hard drive for virtual memory allocations are governed by the software you are almost completely used by software that is currently active.

So first info from me and hopefully benefit us all.

Minggu, 13 Maret 2011


Assalamualaikum Wr Wb,Puji dan Syukur saya panjatkan kehadirat Allah SWT. Atas berkat rahmat dan karuniannya blog ini telah tercipta sebagai mana mestinnya. Semoga apa yang terdapat diblog ini bisa menambah wawasan bagi pembaca blog sekalian. Kritik dan saran sangat kami harapkan demi kemajuan blog ini. Apabila ada kesalahn kata dalam penulisan dalam blog ini saya mohon maaf dan kepada Allah SWT saya mohon ampun. Akhir kata Wassalammualaikum Wr Wb...

Sabtu, 12 Maret 2011


Matematika sering dianggap sebagai mata pelajaran yang susah dimengerti, bahkan tak jarang dari sebagian siswa menganggap matematika adalah pelajaran yang sangat ditakuti bahkan membosankan. Padahal sebenarnya pelajaran matematika tidak sesulit yang dibayangkan. Matematika hanya membutuhkan keterampilan berfikir serta banyak latihan soal. 
Melihat realita yang masih ada sampai saat ini, dimana masih banyak siswa yang merasa kesulitan dalam belajar matematika. Saya seorang sarjana pendidikan matematika, bersedia membantu adik-adik dalam belajar matematika. Khususnya adik-adik yang duduk di bangku SD-SMP. Untuk info lebih lanjut silakan kirim email ke alamat saya:

Jumat, 11 Maret 2011

Pernak-pernik dari manik-manik

Butiran manik-manik yang berwarna-warni bila dirangkai bisa menjadi aneka macam perhiasan dan souvenir cantik seperti kalung, gelang, anting, gantungan hp dan gantungan kunci. Dengan harga yang sangat terjangkau bisa Anda pesan jika Anda berminat. Cukup dengan mengirim email kepada kami lewat blog ini. Anda dapat memesan dengan warna atau model yang Anda kehendaki. Gambar di samping hanya beberapa contoh hasil dari keisengan kami yang mungkin bisa membawa hasil bagi kami. Mungkin hasil karya kami masih jauh dari kesempurnaan,oleh karena itu kami sangat mengharap kritik dan saran dari para pembaca blog ini. Terima Kasih.